
Showing posts from April, 2019

Allegations (0305)

Allegations (0305) This week Patrick gets hit with some allegations. Nina is ride or die, but Patrick is all like, thanks, but no thanks. Jimmy gets injured in the line of duty. Geraldine is faced with a decision to apologize or not to apologize. Also, Nina slaps somebody. WHA?! WE'RE ON INSTAGRAM NOW! Insta: @thedramamamamaspodcast Follow us on Twitter: @dramamamaspod @norwegiayeah @cook1eslay3r Like us on Facebook: The Drama Mama's Podcast 

Time (0304)

Time (0304) This week Nina is crazy in love, which is lucky because the rest of her life is a mess. No worries, Billie quickly bursts that bubble, plunging Nina into crippling insecurity with Patrick, too.  Nina feels obligated to tell Phillip the truth, and urge Patrick doesn't understand. And in doing so, creates waves with Geraldine and Darcy. Billie is going to New Zealand to speak at a conference and does not want to go solo, but Mick can't go. He has an opportunity to collaborate thanks to networking by Tim.  Also, Jimmy continues to bungle his baby mama situation.  Follow us on Twitter: @dramamamaspod @norwegiayeah @cook1eslay3r Email us: Like us on Facebook: The Drama Mama's Podcast 

Fertility Woes (0303)

Fertility Woes (0303) This week Nina's phone will not stop ringing and Patrick is very ok with it. Billie meddles in errybody's business, and Zara and Jimmy try to settle into prenatal co-parenting. We meet Nina's bio-dad and she and Patrick make an offer on an apartment. All in all, there was minimal drama so we're gearing up for an emotional roller coaster next week. Follow us on Twitter: @dramamamaspod @norwegiayeah @cook1eslay3r Email us: Like us on Facebook: The Drama Mama's Podcast 

Secret and Lies (0302)

Secrets and Lies (0302) This week Nina needs some normalcy. However normalcy has taken a vacation and all that's left is crippling awkwardness between herself and literally everyone else in her life. Geraldine has locked herself away, not ready to face her children and their questions. Cherie feels guilty for blowing up the Proudmans once again. And Mick runs interference between Billie's filter-less mouth and the rest of the emotionally vulnerable world. Also, Andrew finds a love connection and Jimmy runs Zara off. Follow us on Twitter: @dramamamaspod @norwegiayeah @cook1eslay3r Email us: Like us on Facebook: The Drama Mama's Podcast